Eat ‘chocolate’ frequently– for your health! (With a genuinely healthy cocoa recipe)

Health claims about “chocolate” are making the news yet again– this time, headlines are announcing that eating chocolate on a regular basis “may help keep people slim”. You can read the study (or articles at the BBC  or Globe and Mail) for the details, but in essence, it looked at diet, body mass index (BMI), and calorie intake to see whether the frequency of chocolate consumption (not the overall quantity eaten) affected BMI. Apparently, eating chocolate on a regular basis is correlated with lower BMI, despite the fact that it boosts the number of calories consumed– even when controlling for factors like overall diet and exercise levels. This raises interesting questions regarding how the quality of calories, rather than just quantity, affects weight and health– something I’m sure to come back to in later posts. But I digress, so let’s get back to the chocolate.

The study makes the usual caveats that come with chocolatey health claims: It used dark chocolate, noting that milk chocolate contains more additives like milk and sugar that dilute the cocoa. So basically, they seem to be saying that cocoa is good for you– and past studies have indeed suggested that the flavanoids and antioxidant properties of cocoa are what give “chocolate” its health benefits.

Healthy chocolate in a mug

How can you enjoy both the health and yum-factor benefits of cocoa on a regular basis without overdoing the sugar and milk additives? This is precisely what inspired me to post my cocoa recipe. I drink this every night, and have been told by a naturopath to keep it up. Here’s how you can make some, and I’ll follow up afterwards with a few notes on the ingredients:


  • 1 cup boiling water
  • 2 slightly heaping tablespoons cocoa
  • 2 teaspoons agave nectar (or less; it’s good to work it down)
  • scant 1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • optional: a pinch or two of ginger


  1. Put your cocoa, agave nectar, optional ginger, and almond milk in a large mug. Stir rapidly and well until blended.
  2. Add your boiling water.
  3. Yep, it’s that simple! Cayenne pepper is another potential addition if you want to spice it up.

Where do I get off calling this healthy? Well, I already addressed the health benefits of cocoa. Instead of sugar, agave nectar is low on the glycemic index, meaning it doesn’t spike your blood sugar in the same way and should be less prone to perpetuating sugar cravings. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still  empty calories, but it can help reduce dependence on sugar. Health benefits of adding ginger include its anti-inflammatory properties– it’s great for runners and athletes as it can help relieve pain.

Anyone want to start sharing in my nightly ritual?

PS: The BBC would like to remind us that eating too much chocolate can lead to over-consumption of sugar and fat, and that “if you are looking to change your diet, you are likely to benefit most from eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.” Thanks, BBC– you’ve always got our backs!

7 responses to “Eat ‘chocolate’ frequently– for your health! (With a genuinely healthy cocoa recipe)

  1. Who knew dark chocolate was a good source of fiber!

  2. I read about chocolate and slimming in the same sentence too. Made me smile. Volume and percentage of chocolate does matter. I have been eating more dark chocolate lately and I have noticed that the cravings are greatly reduced than if I had milk chocolate. I don’t eat a great lot of chocolate though, as I’m trying to cut down on my sugar intake from processed foods.
    Ginger in your cocoa sounds nice.
    Adding cayenne pepper sounds interesting too.

    • eatinggreener

      Good for you for trying to cut down on sugar. I’ve been doing the same– it’s so addictive, and it’s everywhere! Apparently cinnammon can help reduce sugar cravings if you are able to have some every day… more on that to come later =)

      I got the cayenne pepper idea from a hot (in two senses of the word!) chocolate I had in a Mexican restaurant in London last year. It really is yummy! Thanks for reading and for the comment =)

      • I think there are even ginger flavoured chocolate and pepper chocolate varieties.
        Good to hear that the cinnamon reduces cravings. I make a blend of cinnamon, ginger and cardamon with tea.

  3. mirandaperkins

    Sounds delicious! Thanks for sharing!

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